Solertek For Your Home

Tired of paying full price on your energy bills? Wondering how to benefit the environment while nurturing your own financial security? Solar power is the answer. Harnessing the sun is the most dependable alternative form of energy, especially in Texas, where we get plenty of sunshine all year long! Based out of Amarillo, Solertek is dedicated to helping homeowners bring energy efficiency and savings to their lives. We’re ready to partner with you, so continue reading to learn how solar power can benefit your home, and contact us today to get a personalized quote for your property!


Solar Energy For Your Home

Your home deserves the best, and that’s exactly what it will get with Solertek. We bring a uniquely nuanced, comprehensive approach to each property, carefully considering your individual needs, budget, and expectations. Our main goal is to make solar power work in your unique situation, and we always go the extra mile to get you everything you need.


Increased ROI

With solar power, you’ll be putting the sun to work for you and increase your overall return on investment! This means you’ll be able to experience lower energy bills and provide your property with greater resilience. With the approach of our team, your solar power system will strengthen your roof and help you save money on its upkeep as well! It’s no secret that solar systems can be costly to get started, but the long-term payoff will be greatly worth it.


Gain Independence

If you’re tired of depending on the standard municipal power grid, solar power systems are the answer for you. With constantly increasing bills and fees, you’ll be able to lessen your dependence on the municipal power providers and decrease your monthly energy bills when you install solar onto your home.


Boost Your Home’s Value

Whether or not you’re looking to sell your home right now, adding a built-in solar power system will mean that your home can quickly appreciate in value. Properties that have solar panels and systems already installed often enjoy a greater value on the market. With solar, you can give your property an edge in the competitive housing market!


Eco-Friendly Power

Our homes and the energy they consume all have an impact on the environment. But with solar energy, you’ll be able to reduce your overall carbon footprint. Not only will you be reducing your energy bills, but you’ll also be helping the environment!


Low Maintenance

Solar power systems don’t have many moving parts, which means they are very easy to maintain — often going years without needing repairs. In the event that you do need repairs or maintenance, the price is often very affordable, giving you peace of mind that your high-quality investment will last!

When you decide to work with us, we will not just come out and put up a plethora of solar panels on your roof. The Solertek team will come out and assess your entire home from the lens of how efficient it is. Energy efficiency isn’t just about putting solar panels up, you may need to add insulation, utilize heat recovery to reduce air conditioning costs, or seal your windows. We want to work with you to truly understand the full scope of energy efficiency. This includes customizable roof coatings and more. You must reduce before you produce!

Ultimately, we want to make your property the energy-saving masterpiece it was meant to be. Contact us to learn more today.