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Blue house with solar panels on the roof

One of the primary benefits of having solar panels installed is saving on monthly energy costs. At Solertek in Amarillo, we’ve helped countless homeowners enjoy increased savings through the power of solar. If you’ve wondered how much a solar installation would save you on your monthly bill, keep reading!

Technician installing solar panels on a roof

If you’re thinking about adding solar panels to your home or business, you want to work with a reputable company that has your best interests in mind. At Solertek, we love meeting with homeowners and business owners to discuss their solar power options. There are many benefits to working with our team, and in this post, we’ll highlight four of the primary ones!

Solar panels on brown tile roof

There are many reasons to add solar panels to your home or business. At Solertek in Amarillo, we love helping homeowners and business owners discover the benefits of solar energy, so if you’ve been thinking about adding panels to your house or commercial building, we’re here to provide the top four reasons why this year is the time to do it!

House with solar panels on roof at dusk

It’s easy to point fingers when you begin to notice a high utility bill. You wonder which family member was being reckless with your HVAC units, or forgetting to turn off lights and unplug the electronics. However, sometimes, the culprit isn’t a person at’s your roof. That’s right--your roof can be causing serious damage to your utility bills. Thankfully, you can make it more energy efficient.
